David has to take his soul by the cuff of the collar, slam it against a wall and demand: “Soul, get with the program, stop with you worries and cares, I have a spirit at peace and I want it to be released. His spirit is longing to praise God but his soul keeps interfering with its lack of peace, its fears, its worries and cares. That is why in Psalms 103:1 David is literally screaming and demanding that his soul – nephesh – mind bless the Lord.

The enemy knows he cannot touch our spirits as that now belongs to God if you accepted his gift of salvation, but our bodies and minds are open territory. Jesus, however, died to cleanse our spirits which are eternal and He has made our spirits holy, where the old body and physical brain will die and turn to dust. We will be struggling with the powers and rulers of darkness that try to control our bodies and minds so we don’t praise and worship God nor experience the peace Jesus has imparted sharq to us. ” As long as we dwell on this earth we will have a corrupt body and mind. Worship and praise all you want but until you allow Jesus to remove that unholiness from you He can not share His peace with you.Įphesians 6:12: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high. However, Jesus is holy, His peace is holy and if there is unholiness in you it will block that peace. With Jesus living inside of you, you always have that peace in your spirit. Praise and worship does not necessarily bring peace. However, what Jesus is teaching is that the peace He is providing is His peace, it is imparted to you, it is shavq not yahav.Ĭhristians go to church saying they lost their peace and they try to recapture it through praise and worship. It is not the master’s peace but it is yours, you earned it. The Buddhist, Muslims, Hindus as all other religions promising peace teach steps to take to earn this peace. Like you are given a paycheck like an employee. The word gives is yahav which is not like nathan which is the word for giving. That is why He says it is not a peace that the word gives. When Jesus said “My peace I leave with you” He is saying that He is actually taking a part of himself, that peaceful part and giving it to us. Actually the word in Aramaic for leave is shavaq which is a word used for divorce, to forsake or to impart. So what did Jesus mean that He would leave peace. People go to therapist seeking help to find peace, married couples seek to find peace in their marriage where there is no strife, anger or tension, just a feeling of oneness with each other.Īll of this and more fits the word shalom. We talk of a peaceful environment, being alone in a forest or near a lake without anyone nearby as a place of peace. That is what I think of when I think of peace. In our English peace is a sense of serenity, relaxation, freedom from worry and stress. When she mentioned that I thought of Samson Hirsch’s definition of shalom which we all know is peace. Yet, unlike all the other religions of the world peace is imparted to us by Jesus, we don’t have to work for it. Except Christianity, we make noise, are busy and do everything else but practice peace.

My study partner commented on how all the religions of the world practice peace and harmonization. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. ARAMAIC WORD STUDY – PEACE – SHALOMA שלמא Shin Lamed Mem Aleph